My Brother...

A lot of people have asked mommy of the photos of my brother... yes, my new born baby brother... Nathaniel Joseph Freeland, born on the 18th December 2006, 4.1 kg and 53.5 cm. He is a big boy, he is over 5 kg now in just over 3 weeks. And oh, he can be very noisy sometimes especially when he cries. I always try to tell him to stop. Sometimes I say, 'It's okay,brother..' or sometimes when he gets to loud I just say, 'Stop, brother!' but he never seems to listen to me!
Lucky him, he gets to have the boobies now which used to be MINE (mommy wouldn't let me have any now! unfair, he doesn't have to share with me while mommy keep saying that I have to share with brother!)
I like to give him cuddles and kisses but I was not allowed to squeeze him with my arms coz mommy said he is still to little... *sigh* and mommy also said he is too little for tickle tickle when I tried to tickle him. *sigh again* *when is he gonna grow up?*
Anyway, here are some photos of MY BROTHER (I AM a big sister now!) and me and mommy and daddy and also some with Ciu Ciu Ti (Uncle Ti) and his girlfriend Kirsten when they came and visited us from tassie.