The happy little birthday girl

It was a special day at school, I found my mommy came in early with a big nice birthday cake for me. Gee, I got all the attention, everyone sang for me and I blew the '2' candle. I love having my birthday! Oh, and I had a special one last saturday too at the Water Park with all my friends and had lots and lots of presents. And I had lots of fun playing with the water. I went on the big curly slide on my own! Oh, and you know what I got from daddy? He gave me a bracellet with lucky charms on it.
Only thing that I don't quite understand is that mommy and daddy now keep saying that I am now a terrible two. Shouldn't they be saying I am a fantastic two? I think I am fantastic. Yeah right, I do throw tantrums but they are never for no reasons. They were always because I didn't get what I wanted. If only I always get what I wanted, I would never ever throw tantrums. Don't you think that's normal?
Ah well, whatever it is, I think I should have my next birthday soon so I am not called the terrible two anymore.