Tuesday, March 28, 2006

It's been a while

Hi Folks,
It's been a while since my mommy updated this page. I reckon she is just being lazy. She always promised to do it and here I am, more than half a year later after the first posts...
Anyway, here I was waking up on Christmas day 2005... and then I noticed something different was hanging on the side of my bed. I looked around and mommy was there (daddy still asleep) saying that it was mine. So I opened what I then knew was a stocking and it's full of lollies and little toys and knick knacks... yey!This is me at 'The Planet'. It is a cool place for kids to play. I like going there and mommy likes it there too because she can just sit back and have coffee and watch me... until I pinch somebody.. *snigger*This is my friend Ben. His mommy(Chris) and my mommy are good friends. Ben is 3 weeks younger than me. I think I heard my mommy and his mommy said that they wanted to match us together, but pst..you know what..? I reckon his 3-year-old brother Jameson is more handsome :).I was soooo angry!!! Imagine, mommy took her mobile phone away and said it wasn't my toy! Huh! Daddy allowed me to play with his mobile last time.. and I even showed Daddy that I could dip it in his cuppa tea!This is me and my friend, Layla at East Point Reserve. We've just finished playing with the water and before mommy dressed me up, I ran away and played with Layla. hehe.. mommy said I was naughty.. but I knew she also thought I was cute!Mommy was too busy chatting with her friends and I just kept helping myself to the chocolate. I just loved smudging it all over my face.. and the couch.. and the carpet..


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